
  • Welcome to the world of "Coffee Fanatics." On this website, we offer consulting and training services in coffee, formulated by Ryo Mikami, who has extensive experience in the coffee industry. 



     このホームページでは生産国から消費国まで様々なコーヒーシーンに携わってきた、Coffee Fanatic三神によるコンサルティング/トレーニングをご案内しています。 



    Regarding his past career in a specialty coffee trading company, Ryo was involved in multiple roles, including green bean procurement, marketing, roast training, and business support. We are now pleased to share our coffee knowledge and techniques through our consulting services.  


    スペシャルティーコーヒー専門商社に勤め、生豆買い付け/セミナー/開店サポート/代行輸入など多岐にわたる業務に従事してきました。 コマーシャル、スペシャルティーの区別なくコーヒー業界の全般にわたってご相談いただけます。  


    Through the extensive support of various roasting seminars, including as an interpreter, Ryo has accumulated diverse roasting concepts rooted in the climate and culture of each country. As a coach for Japanese competitors, he has participated in world-class competitions multiple times, gaining insights into different roasting styles from around the world. As a result, we can offer flexible roasting approaches and techniques that adapt to the ever-changing trends in the industry. 


    消費国/生産国の焙煎セミナーにおいての通訳をはじめ、World Coffee Events主催のWorld Roasting Championshipでのコーチ参加は競技者側として出場最多これらの経験から刻々と変わるトレンドに対応するためのローストデザインをお教えします。 



    COE, SCA, or CVA, we can provide practical cupping solutions to meet the needs of our clients, including cupping using reagents, inspired by the Cup of Excellence judging sessions. In addition, we provide coaching and training plans tailored to client goals and objectives, including product evaluation and cuppings for procurement purposes.  


    Cup of Excellenceの審査会でしか行われない 







    In addition to the advanced extraction techniques gained from experience as a competition judge and coaching competition finalists, we offer comprehensive training plans that cover a wide range of areas, including origin selection, roasting, extraction equipment selection, and presentation development. 


     Japan Barista Championshipの審査員として10年近く経験(センサリー/テクニカル). 


